We provide experimental and consultation service

to all Industry looking for NMR solution.

Our Services

Routine NMR and Structure

Routine 1D and 2D NMR (1H, 13C, 19F, 29Si, 31P, HSQC, HMBC, COSY, NOESY, ROESY, TOCSY, DOSY, etc)

Small molecule structure verification and Elucidation

Self-Diffusion NMR Chromatography

Routine 1D and 2D DOSY NMR

(Identification of molecules in a mixed matrix)

Polymer NMR

Routine 1D 1H and 13C qNMR for polymer chain length in PEG/PPG/co-polymers, linear or circular calixarenes.

Homo or Co-polymers, monomer quantification.

Protein NMR

1D and 2D HSQC for protein folding and stability check.

1D-3D NMR for structural characterization.

Protein Biophysics (SBDD)

Routine CSP NMR screening, Kd, hit validation, and lead optimization

Ligand Biophysics (FBDD)

Routine 1H and 19F NMR screening, and hit validation

Specialized techniques: STD, WaterLOGSY, FAXS, cFAXS, cSTD, DEEP-STD.

Integral Membrane Proteins (IMPs) in phospholipid bilayers

Solution and MAS solid state NMR for IMPs in phospholipid bilayers or nanodiscs.

Protein-Protein or Protein-drug interaction by NMR

MAS solid state NMR of APIs

1D CPMAS and 2D-HetCor NMR for quantification of amorphous and crystalline APIs in solid state.

Coming soon: solid state NMR of low gamma nuclei

A quick NMR screening for protein/antibody interaction.

Physicochemical properties

Solubility/Stability in organic and aqueous buffer, equilibrium Ksol, Tsol, PKa, LogD/LogP, forced degredation in acidic, basic, oxidative buffer.

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